Chinese Summer Camp

Chinese Summer Camp Blog

Read about our campers’ adventure living and studying in China and get some cool tips on everything Chinese with our Summer Camp Blog.

Latest Posts

Early Bird Registration for Summer Camp 2021 Is Open!

Early Bird Registration for Summer Camp 2021 Is Open!

Last year, our lives were changed in so many ways. It was difficult for everyone, but especially so for the children. Staying in isolation for months, instead of socializing & sharing moments with...

Chinese Summer Camp on The News

Various media outlets have featured Chinese Summer Camp over the years. See their reviews below.

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Campers’ Experience

Read the wonderful essays and stories our campers have written over the years, and see the Summer Camp through their eyes.

Charlotte’s Summer Camp Experience 2017

Charlotte’s Summer Camp Experience 2017

Marshall’s Summer Camp Experience 2017

Marshall’s Summer Camp Experience 2017

Jaiden’s Summer Camp Experience 2017

Jaiden’s Summer Camp Experience 2017

Fabien’s Summer Camp Experience 2017

Fabien’s Summer Camp Experience 2017

Camp Guides

Not sure how to prepare for the summer camp? Here are things you need to know before coming to China.

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